Credit Score Articles

Practical Tips to Responsibly Manage Credit Cards & Maintain a Good Credit Score

Article by New Credit Applications

A good credit score can be maintained by following practical tips that will allow you to responsibly manage credit. Maintaining a good credit score and managing credit cards responsibly will afford you the future you desire. Without good credit you can not obtain a credit card, a car loan, or a mortgage. Having credit cards is a responsibility that will make or break your credit score.

Practical tips in establishing good credit card habits and being credit worthy are often not discussed enough with teenagers who leave home for college before they take on the responsibility of managing credit cards. What are some practical tips that will enable college students to responsibly manage credit cards and maintain a good credit score? There are 5 practical tips listed below that will help you to responsibly manage credit cards, and maintain a good credit score thereby boosting your credit worthiness.


Compare credit cards on line, and choose one that has a low APR, and one that does not charge you an annual fee. Until you get the hang of responsibly managing credit only open two necessary credit cards to establish credit, and to maintain a good credit score. Learn how to manage two accounts simultaneously before opening additional lines of credit. Remember credit is a privilege, and a responsibility that should be responsibly managed.


Missing a credit card payment or even being late on a credit card payment is not an option nor is it responsibly manage credit. If you intend to maintain a good credit score, than you must make your credit card payments on time every month. Missing a credit card payment can also negatively affect your good credit score, and it can stay on your credit report for seven years. It’s very important to be responsible by not allowing any negative marks to appear on your credit report if you want a good credit score.


Responsibly managing credit cards and maintaining a good credit score includes watching your expenditures. As a rule of thumb it is generally a good idea not to charge your credit card for anything that you will not have when the credit card statement arrives. Managing credit responsibility will help you develop a thinking pattern to decide which credit card purchases are necessary. The exception to this rule is using your credit card for a specific bill you must pay each month anyway such as your car insurance. Not buying anything above what you already have to pay for monthly expenditures will build your credit and improve your credit score.


As you continue to responsibly manage your credit cards on time most companies will allow you to request a credit card limit increase. Every credit card company and terms of each credit card is different. Some credit card companies will allow you to raise your credit limit by every 3 months, as others will only allow you to raise your credit limit annual. So keep in touch with your credit card company and find out what their terms are for raising your credit limit. As soon as you are able to raise your credit limit do so. This is to your advantage. The higher amount of credit you have available with the lowest mount of overall credit usage will significantly raise your credit score. Increasing your credit limit on a credit card is like applying for new credit only not being punished for having any additional credit inquiries added to your credit report.

Practical Tip #5 – ADD NEW LINES OF CREDIT

Once you’ve mastered responsibly managing credit cards and maintaining a good credit score than you can begin to open a new line of credit, but do so should only be done as the need arises. For example if you have to make a major purchase like a washer and dryer or a refrigerator, applying for a new line of credit to make this purchase maybe the only way for you to afford the item. Remember though you should pay the item off as quickly as possible so your debt to available credit ratio declines and thereby increases your good credit score once again. Adding new lines of credit responsibly does not afford you the opportunity to buy items on credit that you don’t need, or to go on a shopping spree when you can’t afford to do so. Also when adding new lines of credit you should remember to do so only once or twice a year as too many credit inquiries on your credit report will drop your good credit score.

Following the 5 credit tips above is a sure way for you to develop good credit habits and ultimately developing the best credit score you can. To responsibly manage credit cards and maintain a good credit score begin by establishing credit. Compare credit cards online at, and choose the credit card that fits who you are. Most credit card applicants are approved instantly!

New Credit Applications is committed to helping those who don’t have a credit card or who have had credit lines taken away in the past. Easily apply online for instant approval for the credit card that most fits your needs!

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Posted by Trevor - September 15, 2011 at 1:51 pm

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5 Quick Ways to Improve your Credit Score Rating

Article by Check My Credit Report For Free

Your credit score rating is one of your biggest financial assets. If your credit score rating is high, your borrowing rates will be lowered and therefore save you hundreds of dollars. The big mystery is how to maintain a high credit score rating. If you want to either maintain, improve or repair your credit score rating, you are in luck; it can take as little as two months to raise your credit score rating.

Your credit score rating is based on a few essential factors. There is no particular order in which I will present these (Some of them have more importance in regards to the score). Repayment history, current debts & loan payments owed, recent credit checks & registered income (there are other things to consider as well). In order to repair or raise your score you may follow a few of the steps provided below.

1.) Pay Off Credit Debts

Pay off all revolving credit cards debt as soon as you can. Revolving credit cards are like Discover card or any other monthly credit cards. Even though you might pay before the deadline, credit card companies report the debts owed on a monthly basis which may be before the deadline. On your credit score rating it will not show as bad debt, but it will decrease your overall score. The standard recommendations are as follows. If you have one credit card, pay it off before the months end. Second, if you have two credit cards, pay the minimum on both of them and work on paying in full one of them first.

2.) Registered Income

This is your official salary from work. Basically the numbers they crunch are matched with what you earn. If you debts is larger than what you earn, your credit score rating is lowered. So, if you are an independent contractor or your income is just a little too low get a part time job. This will rise your potential earnings and increase your ability to repay your debts and therefore increase your credit score rating.

3.) Check Credit Score Rating

Check your credit score rating online with one of the official companies to see what or why your credit score rating is the level it is. This will help you determine what you can really do to increase your credit score rating. Being able to see all your credit report information and also having the tools to make the most from it.

4.) Credit Applications

Do not apply for every car, credit card, and home that you are looking at as an eager consumer. Because every time you try to purchase a home, car, or get a new credit card your credit score rating is checked and the crediting agencies lower your score if you have had two or three credit checks withing a few months of each other.

5.) Save Money

Lastly, open a savings account and budget your money so that you will always have extra cash to help in times of need. This is most times easier said than done, so it is important to dedicate to making sure you do this.

Protect your credit score rating because it can mean everything when purchasing a home or trying to get some capital for whatever purpose you need it for. It is not hard to raise your credit score rating, it is hard to maintain it.

If you can purchase a credit score rating monitoring service, it will protect you from fraud, identity theft and help inform you of ways to increase your credit score rating when needed. Get the most out of you credit with a good credit report score rating.

For more credit repair & credit score rating advices, please visit: Check My Credit Report For Free

Visit Check My Credit Report For Free and stay up to date on your credit report score.

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Posted by Trevor - September 14, 2011 at 10:03 pm

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