Should I Raise A 700 Credit Score
Even though there are no universal guidelines in regards to what represents a very good credit score, look up on the Internet and you will see that quite a few creditors deem a 700 credit score as “very good” to “excellent.” In accordance with the creator of FICO scores, about 18% of Americans have ratings in the 700-749 range.
Such numbers are necessary since they display your creditworthiness at any given time. Credit scores are based on information in your credit reports. That said, they permit creditors to make instant credit decisions about you just by basing on it. The higher your score, the better the deal you are likely to be offered when you’re looking for some good credit deals.
Now that you have a 700 credit score, you ask if you should raise it. According to Fair Isaac Corporation, which provides this computation to the three main credit bureaus and majority of the creditors, around 40% American consumers have higher numbers than you do.
That is actually a worrying statistic. Research by this author shows that majority of creditors deem excellent credit as those that are above 725, while some are even above 750. These are individuals who are able to get the best terms and conditions of credit offerings.
Therefore, although your credit score may be deemed excellent by some of the creditors out there, if you are able to delay your credit purchase for even a few months, then you can wait as you raise your credit score. You must take into consideration the benefits of having your credit score raised, which includes having to pay a lower interest rate on your chosen loan. You must know that a lower interest rate on a home mortgage could lead to thousands of dollars in savings over the long haul and a reduction in interest rate will also lower your monthly payments.
Whatever you deem to be a good credit score could actually be not enough to get you the best credit terms. It pays to raise your grade if it is below 725 to 750, so rethink your decision about getting the loan you’re eyeing at the moment
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Poor Credit Is The Problem, Refinancing Is The Solution
In the world of credit market, you started with a clean slate and a good payment record. After a while, due to certain circumstances you missed a deadline. Unfortunately, this single absence was followed by another one and then another until it became a series of unmet cut – off dates. If worst comes to worst, you already gained a bad image, a long list of late payments that will eventually lead you to bankruptcy. It sounds very tragic right? Yes it is. But at every terrible incident comes a string of hope.
Refinancing is the ray of light in terms of poor credit. Good thing there are already a decent number of lenders available in the market nowadays that find opportunities even in the most unpleasant situations. Their specialty is providing loans and professional assistance in hunting down the best possible rate despite a poor credit history. The person with this kind of job is called a bad credit mortgage lender. He or she serves a mediator between the borrower and the lender. If in case you are out to refinance your home or even trying to purchase a new home, this is the best road to take. It may come off as a great leap of risk, but if you analyze it, this will help save hundreds and thousands of dollars in spite of having a past hunted by bad credit.
However, if you are thinking of going to sub-prime lenders as opposed to the leading ones, then think again. The most important thing to do is conduct a research. The internet is there as reference as well as the word of mouth that you can get from family and friends. Assure security and trustworthiness from your sub-prime lender because you would not want to make any more mistakes. They may assume that you are desperate to find a lender that you would be out to do just about anything. Prove them wrong.
Having poor credit is not forever. It will indeed take some time but it has an end. Bear in mind that there are solutions to your problems. All you have to do is balance them out, decide which one is best for you and grab that opportunity before it gets out of your sight.
Categories: Credit Score Articles Tags: Credit, Credit Score
Credit Re-Scoring For Your Credit Score
The re-scoring of credit was made possible by owing an ever increasing demand for it from people who are frequently using this aspect of business. If you are planning to establish or acquire a good credit rating, you should be able to pay your outstanding short and long term loans without any delay. By doing this you are able to show lenders that you are able to deal with the credit agreements without any faults or compromises. If payments are made on time and are completed within the agreed time frame, borrowers are then rewarded by lenders with a good credit score. Almost all people know that a good credit rating can easily attract the lowest interest rates and this can be carried over when going for the lowest auto loan rates.
The various systems used to determine a person’s credit scores were invented in order to create a certain standard method of gauging clients and their ability to pay their own credits. This scorings system ranges from 300 to 800; consequently, the higher the rating, the more chances that banks will allow you to have loans and credit deals. Banks and lending companies do not usually give loans to people having scores that are below the six or five hundred point marks.
Customers can be assured that they are treated to a low price guarantee on all items, while not discriminating clients in terms of credit status and credit scores. Clients are also given the chance to choose their payment terms that range from 6, 12, 18 and as long as 24 months. This option comes with a diverse choice of paying every month or twice a month. Discounts are also given as well as many benefits and services.
Some people have tried to maintain a good checking account at local banks but ultimately found it that it doesn’t really work out. The banks are inaccessible at times and have lots of transaction requirements. Before one should go for banking cards, they must first familiarize the many requirements that come along the budget. For example, look how your income and business consume its money.
Categories: Credit Score Articles Tags: Credit Score, ReScoring
Maintaining a Fair Credit Score
It is of utmost importance that a person must know the tips and tricks of owning a credit card and understanding what a fair credit standing is all about. If a person have had a bad credit score record, he should bear in mind and be ready to take the needed steps in order to bring the credit score back into a desirable level. Almost all banks and various lending companies do have some strict guidelines and strategies about credit score ratings. It serves as a basis for them to have a baseline data of you being a loan applicant and having a potential bad credit history. Being credit worthy is very essential for bank and financial lending companies to be confident with their clients. It is like having to look for a job. Your credit ranking record do provide the same type of information that your resume brings. If it is not that good, then companies may decline and refuse you for applying a certain type of loans and credit card applications.
Your credit score is mainly constituted of many information that contain ratings for your credit score history. These facts are very vital for the formulation and finding out one’s credit history and reputation. Credit rating experts have already made a mathematical algorithm that looks into the totality of a credit score. The most frequently used system is the FICO score system. It pertains to Fair Isaac Corporation. It constitutes five main elements that are essentially key factors for the formulation of a credit rating and will rank people accordingly on a credit rating scale.
If you have been diligently paying your bills on time, they you have nothing to worry about. The FICO rating scales from 600 to 850 points. When you happen to have at least 700 points, this is a clear indication that you are having an excellent credit rating and be able to apply for a favorable credit plan. Banks will help you obtain great rates and discounts as well as perks and freebies that you surely deserve. It is just because they see you as some type of a good risk for that level of investment and that you have provided a worthiness for your credit card application. There are a lot of companies that will surely willing to help you obtain and maintain a good credit score, you just have to pick which one is applicable for you.
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Turning Bad Into Good With Credit
An ideal world is filled with good paying people. But in the real setting we currently have in this planet, not everyone is capable of doing so because of many different reasons. For people who unfortunately have invested on bad credit instead of a good one, getting themselves another thing to spend money on is some kind of a bad idea. Tough life you have there. To acquire a loan would seem questionable in that situation. The good news is that there is still light at the end of that dark tunnel. You can still obtain one as long as you know where to look for it.
If you want to revive that dying credit of yours then you need to start from scratch. Let go of the past and set aside the others. Learn to focus and set your goals straight. Because of an already dirty history with credit card, it will be hazy to get another one. So you will be better off with a loan. In order to do so, here are points to ponder on.
Do not anticipate to get the best rate. In fact, do not expect ever to get the lowest rate. In spite of the events that may have happened in the past, the blame is placed all on you. If you have had a bad credit then paying high interest is just one way to compromise for the misbehavior before.
Do not go for the big guns. And by big guns it means the major banks and lenders. Because of the reputation and name, they may seem to be the best choice in the beginning. But if your name is well associated with your poor paying habits then they will remain protective of their status and will most likely not lend even a centavo to you. But do not fret. You just have to find lenders that centers their services with those who have bad credit.
The key here is to keep on going and going. Be optimistic in the search by asking people who have experienced these lenders or you can go over the internet and look for yourself. If worst comes to worst, then take a temporary pause. Give it some time for things to calm down and try your luck again.
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Credit History: The Perks of Being A Student
Looking a few years back, having a credit card was considered a luxury. Only the powerful and rich people are the ones who apply for these services. It is thought that because they have overflowing money that it can no longer be contained inside their pockets. But with the life we are living now, the possession of a credit card is just as normal has carrying your ordinary wallet with just enough money to spend as you do the grocery or shop for your necessities. It has been adjusted so that everyone who wishes to have one can be able to do so.
However, as much as you are eager to get hold of that card, there are qualifications and conditions that must be met. Among the many other requirements one needs to accomplish is the existence of a reliable credit history. For credit card companies, the credit history serves as a background check for your overall personality. This will show them whether or not you are deserving to be approved of one. If you try to observe, people who own credit card are mostly adults. But all is fair now in the eyes or credit card companies. Even students are given the opportunity to build for their own a good credit history.
Building a credit history is a step by step process. You may have to start from the bottom and someday have it all good being at the top. That is the advantage of a student credit card. Being minors and still non incoming generating, the credit card company would require approval from a guardian or a parent. That is the purpose of a student identification card. With all these and more, you are bound for a happy life with your credit card. On the other hand, student credit card has a lower spending limit and yet has a higher interest rate as compared to the average credit card. This is just reasonable because this type of card is easily given. The good part is once you start early on then you can expect for a good credit history in the near future.
With great power comes great responsibility. Using credit cards have that infamous reputation of burying someone in debt. Be sure to meet your dues on time and control your credit car before it controls you.
Categories: Credit Score Articles Tags: Credit History, Student
How to Build A Good Credit Score
People who are aiming to buy expensive new gadgets, a new home or even a new car will often need the loans provided by banks. Yet in order to be able to apply for one, a person must have a very good credit score. Otherwise, banks and lending establishments will turn your application down. This article will explain what this credit score is all about and the steps that a person can take to boost it.
The various systems used to determine a person’s credit score were invented in order to create a certain standard method of gauging clients and their ability to pay their own credits. This scoring system ranges from 300 to 800; consequently, the higher the rating, the more chances that banks will allow you to have loans and credit deals. Banks and lending companies do not usually give loans to people having scores that are below the six or five hundred point marks.
One of the simplest things one can do in order to keep his score high is just paying bills on time. One or two delays can pretty much screw things up. People who are not keen payers will soon realize that they are being turned down almost everywhere they go. One must make a calendar as to when certain bills are to be paid, so that he will have a timetable as to what bills are of high priority to be settled as soon as possible. One can even allow their banks to transfer his money and pay for these bills at the end of each month to avoid any delays.
If a person has received his newly approved credit card, he might be very well tempted to use it all up all at once. This is somewhat not advisable. He must never use more than 40 or 50 percent of what is left of his total money. This will give banks and lending companies a gauge that this person is responsible enough for his money. These steps, if followed, will surely help a person save money and obtain a good credit score that will soon help him in ways he could have not foreseen.
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Credit Scores – A Good Indicator of Financial Stability
Credit, like taxes and death, is surely inevitable in life. Everyone would want to live a life wherein he or she doesn’t owe anything to any person but times when we need to borrow cannot be avoided. So it will surely help us to have a good credit score since it will help us be in the best position to apply for loans and credits when the need arises.
But how can a credit score be considered as a good one? It would help to define a few things firsthand. This article will talk about the most common type of credit score standard used in the United States which is the FICO system. FICO scores constitute information that is primarily coming from three of the major credit reporting agencies which are aptly named as Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
These agencies utilize the FICO system software that calculate a person’s score and they are owning separate databases which is sometimes cause of dissonance because it pertains to a person having three different FICO credit scores at a given time which ultimately depend upon the bureau depended on. Usually, scores are along a narrow range of values. If the three scores are greatly separated in terms of values, then it is time that you must investigate.
Scores do range from 300 to 850 and has median value of 723. Median pertains to the middlemost value between the top and bottom halves of the range. If a person’s score is above 723, then he is located in the top half and around that area, one has a ‘good’ score. But in a practical way of approaching things, good translate into better loan rates that are given by lending institutions and companies. The most prominent way of telling information lies in the Informa Research Services that are in constant correlation with FICO scores associated with loan rates.
Maintaining good credit scores as well as trying to aim for one surely has its benefits. It provides financial stability and secures a person financial future. This allows him to enjoy the nicer things in life without worries.
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Credit Scores Explained
Among the many numbers that accompany us throughout life, our credit scores are one of the most important. The usual range of credit score varies from 350-800 while some model range up to 900. People with higher than 750 are able to attain best interest deals and insurance premiums while consequently, people having low scores get higher interests and higher premiums. In order to have your credit score improved, one must be able to understand what makes up the rating as a whole.
Many factors are considered but we can summarize them into five factors. First is payment history which constitutes 35% of the total score, this range from 6 months to 2 years of recent transactions. Secondly, the next factor is the debt to credit ratio which is 30% of the total score. This ratio factors in the total debt incurred against the total available credit in revolving credit lines. The next 15% is taken from credit history which is the amount of time that you have been using the credit system. The other 10% is based on the amount of credit you carry as well as the credit inquiries you make.
Having the improvement of your credit score in mind can greatly impact a person’s overall costs and can greatly impact a person’s monthly allowance. One important aspect and example is the mortgage loan. One might ask as to how high his credit score should be in order to have lenders approve a mortgage loan. Well the answer is most lenders use a credit score that is made by the FICO or Fair Isaac Corporation for them to make an assessment in your credit risk.
Anything below 620 is considered substandard while above 620 is considered good. But there is no assured set of numerical guarantees. The final decision depends mainly on the lender’s full decision on the matter. Lenders even consider one’s employment and salary as well as savings. People should also be aware that not all lenders use the FICO scale to make their lending choices and decisions. So it is possible that if you are denied in one lender, other lenders can cut you some slack.
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