Posts tagged "Raise"

Tips to Raise Your Credit Score Fast

Credit is hard these days. You may be drooling over a new car or perhaps home. You may want a student or personal loan. In all these instances, you will need to have a good credit score. It aids you in establishing your credit-worthiness. With a good credit score to boot, you have easy access to loans and practically any form of financing, of course at the best rates. Heed these tips to have or maintain a good credit score.

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Posted by Trevor Jones - April 29, 2014 at 9:41 am

Categories: Credit Score Videos   Tags: , , , , ,

Q&A: Is this a secret you can do with credit cards to raise credit score?

Question by : Is this a secret you can do with credit cards to raise credit score?
They recently bought a microwave for $ 1000 on credit. They have way more than that though and when the bill came, they only paid $ 970 on purpose. I asked them why they didn’t pay it off in full and they said that they paid it with $ 30 short because there is barely any interest to that low sum of cash as opposed to only paying $ 600 where the interest would be equal to a lot more money for a sum of $ 400 as opposed to $ 30.

They said that “We just left $ 30 for the them to play around with and because we pay a little amount of interest on purpose, it makes them happy and they raise the credit score.”

So I asked what makes them so sure that that happens and they said that it’s experience after working with credit cards for 30+ years.
my parents*

Best answer:

Answer by Reena
They are wrong…. the credit card company has no influence over the credit bureaus and the credit scores.

So, leaving $ 30 on the card to give the credit card company a morsel of interest does not do anything towards their credit score.

What matters is that all payments are made on time, that not too much of the credit line is used in a billing cycle and that they (your parents) have a lot of “unused” credit versus maxed out cards and of course that they had these credit cards for a long time.

But you won’t be able to convince them. They have 30 years of “experience” and that is how they see it.

What do you think? Answer below!

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Posted by Trevor - April 27, 2012 at 12:31 pm

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Fix Your Credit; Repair Your Credit Yourself With This How-To Guide On Money Management, Reading Your Credit Report, And Disputing Errors To Raise Your Credit Score

Fix Your Credit; Repair Your Credit Yourself With This How-To Guide On Money Management, Reading Your Credit Report, And Disputing Errors To Raise Your Credit Score

Fix Your Credit; Repair Your Credit Yourself With This How-To Guide On Money Management, Reading Your Credit Report, And Disputing Errors To Raise Your Credit Score

Do you want to learn how to fix your credit yourself? Would you like to learn how to read a credit report and understand it? Are you interested in learning the strategies to dispute your credit report and manage your money? Then this book is for you! Fix Your Credit will show you all of this so you can raise your credit score. This guide will walk you through the process of reading and understanding your credit report and identifying errors or things to be corrected. Next, you will learn how to dispute any errors in your report to be corrected so your score can improve. Lastly, this guide teaches skills and strategies for money management, so you don’t fall back into bad habits that will damage your credit again.

While many of us struggle with bad credit or credit scores that are lower than we would like, we don’t always know where to start to fix our credit. A lot of people try credit repair agencies, but can get caught up in scams, or spend a lot of money on something that they could do themselves. With this guide, you can learn to fix your credit yourself! This allows you to be in control of repairing your financial situation, as well as educating you so that you won’t continue to have problems with a low credit score. By empowering yourself to learn the process for fixing your credit, you will be saving money not only by not having to pay an agency, but also because you will learn financial skills to improve your life.

Take a look at the valuable information in this book! Here is a list of the chapter titles:
Chapter 1: Can I Fix My Bad Credit Alone?
Chapter 2: Repair My Credit – I Don’t Know Where To Start
Chapter 3: First Step In Credit Repair- How To Conduct A Credit Report Check
Chapter 4: Why Pay For Credit Repair Services – Do It Yourself
Chapter 5: Why “Do It Yourself Credit Repair” Is The Best Option
Chapter 6: Self Help May Be Best When It Comes To Credit Repair
Chapter 7: Self Credit Repair – How You Can Do It On Your Own
Chapter 8: Do Credit Repair Yourself – No One Else Can Do It For You
Chapter 9: DIY Credit Repair Tips
Chapter 10: Credit Repair The Do-It-Yourself-Way
Chapter 11: Credit Card: Do It Yourself Credit Repair
Chapter 12: Credit Repair For Yourself
Chapter 13: Do-It-Yourself Credit Repair
Chapter 14: Easy Credit Repair Done Yourself
Chapter 15: How can you rebuild your Credit?
Chapter 16: You Can Fix Your Bad Or Poor Credit
Chapter 17: Undertaking Credit Repair On Your Own (What To Do And What Not To Do)
Chapter 18: Tell Me More About Credit Repair
Chapter 19: Credit Repair
Chapter 20: Credit Repair Made Easy
Chapter 21: Surefire Ways To Repair Your Credit
Chapter 22: Fix Bad Credit in Easy Steps
Chapter 23: Need To Repair Credit Scores? – Get The Tips Here
Chapter 24: Credit Repair Specialists – They Might Help You, But Why Not Do It Yourself?
Chapter 25: How To Contact Creditors To Help With Credit Repair
Chapter 26: Paying Off Your Credit Card Balances: Running The Numbers
Chapter 27: What Can You Do if You Have Problem Fixing Your Credit Report?
Chapter 28: Why is it necessary to do Credit report repair?
Learn how to fix your credit today! Take action and instantly download this book to your Kindle so you can take steps to raise your credit score.


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Posted by Trevor - February 16, 2012 at 8:58 am

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Lots Of Credit Tips To Raise Credit Score And Fix Credit

Lots Of Credit Tips To Raise Credit Score And Fix Credit: A Credit Book Full Of Exceptional Credit Advice On Increasing Credit Score And How To Fix … History To Enjoy The Perks Of Using Credit

Lots Of Credit Tips To Raise Credit Score And Fix Credit: A Credit Book Full Of Exceptional Credit Advice On Increasing Credit Score And  How To Fix ... History To Enjoy The Perks Of Using Credit

The perks that credit gives in this credit-reliant society are tremendous. A good credit score is like having ready cash. You can buy almost anything when you have good credit. You can borrow money and get discount interest rates with a good credit score. You can buy a home through a low-interest mortgage loan using your good credit score. You can also get a home improvement loan or refinance when you need to by means of a good credit score. If you think you can afford to buy a car on credit terms, you can get a car loan using your good credit score and even get bargain interest rates. Since a credit score is valuable, we need to exercise every means possible to keep our credit rating healthy. If we have an average score and want to enjoy more of the benefits of credit, like lower interest rates and longer installment plans, then we need to raise our score to a higher one that will impress the creditors. If we have bad credit, then we need to fix it right away and rebuild our credit back up to good. With the expert tips and strategies outlined in this credit book, you can definitely raise your low score and fix your bad credit rating, For sure, once your bad credit score is back up to good you can finally enjoy the perks of using good credit and improve your lifestyle to a higher level.

List Price: $ 15.95


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Posted by Trevor - January 16, 2012 at 9:19 am

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Q&A: How can I raise my credit score after bankruptcy? I had a bankruptcy discharged, can I rem the accts included?

Question by T.J: How can I raise my credit score after bankruptcy? I had a bankruptcy discharged, can I rem the accts included?
I filed for bankruptcy (chapter 7) a year ago and successfully had it discharged. I’m in the process of rebuilding my credit and I pulled my credit report and all the creditors included in the bankruptcy have my accounts listed as “bankruptcy” which is destroying my credit score. Is there any way I can have those accounts removed since they are all closed and were included with the bankruptcy? Does anyone have any tips on rebuilding my credit? My score is currently 530 and I would like to raise it to the average but it seems like it hasn’t been going anywhere. What can I do?

Best answer:

Answer by KL
The key to increasing your score after bankruptcy is 1.) making sure the debts that were included ARE being shown as IN BANKRUPTCY and have a zero balance and 2.) re-establishing your credit.

The 2nd is tough and you’ll have to take on some pretty high interest rates, but it will be worth it. Start off with secured credit cards and go from there.

Give your answer to this question below!

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Posted by Trevor - December 13, 2011 at 8:22 am

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Some Quick, Easy Ways to Raise Your Credit Score

Some Quick, Easy Ways to Raise Your Credit Score

This Element is an excerpt from Homebuyers Beware: Who’s Ripping You Off Now?–What You Must Know About the New Rules of Mortgage and Credit (ISBN: 9780137020164) by Carolyn Warren. Available in print and digital formats.

Nine practical ways to raise your score–quickly and easily!

Do you just love supporting the fat cats on Wall Street? Want more of your hard-earned money going to increase their profits? No? Then you must pay attention to your credit score so you can qualify for a lower interest rate and pay less. Your FICO score, developed by those thoughtful Fair Isaac Corporation folks, is…


List Price: $ 1.99


Related Credit Score Products

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Posted by Trevor - October 26, 2011 at 3:43 pm

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Credit Repair: How to fix your credit and raise your credit score

Credit Repair: How to fix your credit and raise your credit score

Credit is so much more than a plastic card. It’s your financial trustworthiness.

Having good credit means it will be easier for you to get loans and low interest rates.

Low interest rates usually translate into smaller monthly payments.

That’s important when you borrow money for a car or a place to live. Sometimes, people even check your credit when you apply for a job.
Credit is so much more than a plastic card. It’s your financial trustworthiness.

Having good credit means it will be easier for you to get loans and low interest rates.

Low interest rates usually translate into smaller monthly payments.

That’s important when you borrow money for a car or a place to live. Sometimes, people even check your credit when you apply for a job.

List Price: $ 2.99


Find More Credit Score Products

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Posted by Trevor - October 24, 2011 at 12:56 pm

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Q&A: What is the fastest way to raise your credit score?

Question by thetravelingmartins: What is the fastest way to raise your credit score?
My husband and I hit a financial hard spot about a year ago. Since then we have worked hard to catch up on all our bills and pay them on time. We would like to buy a house in about 3 years. (We own a condo at the moment) Would 3 years be long enough to raise our credit scores? Other than paying our bills and paying off some of the balances that we owe is there another way to raise our credit scores? We plan on keeping our credit cards once we get them paid off because we were told that as long as we charge something once a month and then pay that off every month it will help with our credit score. Any other advice?

Best answer:

Answer by jgrantspecial
One good thing you can do is go to the bank and open a savings acct with $ 100-200. Then go to the loan officer and ask for a loan with a min. payment period of 1 year for the min loan amount. Tell them to put the loan money into your savings then freeze the money plus 2 payments of your savings. They will not turn down anyone for a loan this way. Then make double payments on time or early, but never late. Do this at 3 different banks and after they are all paid off you’ll have much better credit and 3 credit referrals.

Give your answer to this question below!

3 comments - What do you think?
Posted by Trevor - October 21, 2011 at 12:00 pm

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How to Raise Your Credit Score

As the world’s economic growth slows to a trickle, many people find themselves struggling to make it. Gas prices have skyrocketed and the price of food is at all time highs. If you have bad credit, obtaining a loan can seem like an impossible task. Fear not! Here are four easy ways to raise your credit score :

1. Pay Your Bills on Time – Of all of the things you can do to raise your credit score , this is probably the easiest and most effective step. Approximately 35% of your credit score is based upon your payment history. Set up an online account with your bank and pay your bills via the internet. This takes about 10 minutes to set up and can save you at least in stamps.

2. Pay Down High Balances First – Your credit score will actually decrease if you have credit balances that exceed 50% of the available balance for that card. Free up some of this available balance and you can raise your credit score .

3. Cut Up Used Cards – If you have a card that you do not use, cut it up BUT leave the account open. Your credit score is composed of numerous items including the percentage of available credit that you have versus the amount of credit that you have used. If you cancel the card, you can actually reduce your credit score. The only time you should cancel your card is if it has an annual fee.

4. Monitor, monitor, monitor – You should check your credit score at least annually. Each of the three major credit bureaus will give you one for free each year. Get your free report from Experian immediately and review it for accuracy. After four or five months get your free report from Equifax. After another five or six months, get your final free report from Transunion. This ensures that you will be able to take the necessary steps to raise your credit score .

These four steps are not difficult to accomplish. You should be able to see positive results in about six months. In addition to following the steps outlined above, visit as many personal finance blogs that you can. These sites can help you Become Debt Free .

Written by chasingthebull

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Posted by Trevor - October 7, 2011 at 8:40 am

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Q&A: How to raise my credit score once my credit cards are paid off?

Question by Mcnizzle: How to raise my credit score once my credit cards are paid off?
How can I continue to raise my credit score once both of my credit cards have been paid off?I don’t plan on using either one of them unless its an emergency,but I don’t know how to keep getting my score to go up after that.Is there a way to get negative reports taken off my credit report?

Best answer:

Answer by malica
Negative reports will only be taken off your report once enough time has passes. In the meantime you have to demonstrate that you can use credit responsibly, so not using your cards isn’t going to help you. What you need to do is find some small to reasonable purchases you were going to make anyways (like groceries, or gas) and use your card and pay it off in full each month and on time. Don’t spend more than 30% of your limit on any card and like I said – make sure you pay it off on time. If you pay the full amount each month you won’t be charged any interest, so it’s not going to cost you any money to do this.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

2 comments - What do you think?
Posted by Trevor - September 23, 2011 at 3:33 pm

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