Why is it so hard to get your credit score?

Question by : Why is it so hard to get your credit score?
I can get my credit report but it does not actually have my credit “score” included on it. I asked three different people at the bank I deal with for my score but have been told that they can’t just give me MY score, but if I were to take out a loan application, (at a fee of course,) I could get it that way. I don’t want to take out a loan for a fee to get something that belongs to me to begin with. Finally, one teller who has known me for a while jotted it down on a piece of paper and slipped it to me with an additional note saying not to tell anyone that she gave it to me.

Why is it so hard to get your credit score? After all, it is YOUR credit score.

Best answer:

Answer by the_chief94
I have heard this frustration expressed before, the first thing that I always tell people is that the credit report is actually the important document for you to be familiar with and maintain the integrity of. As long as you know what is on your credit report is accurate you should be fine. You can also familiarize yourself with how your credit score is calculated. More information on that can be found all over the web.

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